有些爱把自己摆在神台上把别人都偏在神台下. 也有些人偏爱信奉这为神. 就因为你是某某人所以我们都要到你家和你拜年?
我娘家健在的长辈可多的很,还好没人想你这样, 要不然从初一拜到十五都可能拜不完. 我可是被骗被逼到你家去的,你们都很喜欢人家和你们这样心不甘情不愿和你们拜年. 结果两个白痴变四个白痴. 硬要人家到你家拜年, 结果四个白痴对着电视. 这样就是你们所为的拜年吗?
一个是骗了我而得到自己的目地而高兴,另一个以为我想他叩拜而高兴. 那么现在最生气的人是我!!! 最讨厌被人骗!!!
January 30, 2009
January 24, 2009
Many pple say religion is a very sensitive topic, well at least to me it isnt. To me every religion is the same so long the religion teaches you to be good and morally upright. Pls don’t come debating with me that my god is different with your god, only my god exist and there is only 1 god. I call that HOLY CRAP!!!
This is neither the first time nor second time that this religion's follower comes knocking on my door or tell me personally on how great their god is. Ya your god is great so is other pple’s god. Basically every god is great if not they will not be call GOD by their followers. Pls if other religion's follower didn’t say that your god is stupid then stop calling other religion’s god a stupid statue. If other religion's follower can respect your religion, why must you go ard calling other religion's god is stupid statue. So if others religion's god is a stupid statue what yours? Another stupid statue isnt it? 有嘴巴说人就要有嘴巴说自己.
If your religion don’t teach you to respect every other religion, that it failed to be a religion. Becos the simplest basic manners, RESPECT, is not practise in a religion then there is something very wrong with the religion.
Im trying my very best not to be crude here and esp to those 2 ladies who came. The next time anyone coming to me or my house to start talking abt religion, Im going to let me dog out and bite anyone. Oh yes Im serious. Since your god is very formidable and forgiving. Your god will heal your wounds bitten by my dog and forgive me for letting out the dog to bite.
My last piece of thoughts for religion, 宗教信仰, 信就好不要迷信.
This is neither the first time nor second time that this religion's follower comes knocking on my door or tell me personally on how great their god is. Ya your god is great so is other pple’s god. Basically every god is great if not they will not be call GOD by their followers. Pls if other religion's follower didn’t say that your god is stupid then stop calling other religion’s god a stupid statue. If other religion's follower can respect your religion, why must you go ard calling other religion's god is stupid statue. So if others religion's god is a stupid statue what yours? Another stupid statue isnt it? 有嘴巴说人就要有嘴巴说自己.
If your religion don’t teach you to respect every other religion, that it failed to be a religion. Becos the simplest basic manners, RESPECT, is not practise in a religion then there is something very wrong with the religion.
Im trying my very best not to be crude here and esp to those 2 ladies who came. The next time anyone coming to me or my house to start talking abt religion, Im going to let me dog out and bite anyone. Oh yes Im serious. Since your god is very formidable and forgiving. Your god will heal your wounds bitten by my dog and forgive me for letting out the dog to bite.
My last piece of thoughts for religion, 宗教信仰, 信就好不要迷信.
January 22, 2009
Taiwan - Day 7 (Taipei)
Ok my bad, I finally have the time to finish editing all the pics.
Day 7 of our trip, we are still in Taipei. I actually forgotten we went to 故宫 on Day 6 or Day 7. Becos 故宫does not allowed anyone to take pictures. Basically its a place where all the antique from the palace is being exhibited.
Our trip included 中正纪念堂 and shopping ard Ximenting. This was the day we went to buy a extra luggage. Heehee...
As the night before we went to Ximenting to shop hence we decided to head down to 新光三月百货. We took 捷運 from Ximenting to 新光三月百货. Singaporean got lots to learn. Pple queue when train arrive. Pple allow passenger to alight before boarding the train. Pple dont cut queue on the escalator. Shame on Singaporean.
At the busy street of Ximenting

Took 捷運 to

They have underground shopping mall too.

Taipei City



HB and Me

Brinda and Me (Our fellow tour group mates, she is same age as me but already a Mother of 2)

Group shoot


Day 7 of our trip, we are still in Taipei. I actually forgotten we went to 故宫 on Day 6 or Day 7. Becos 故宫does not allowed anyone to take pictures. Basically its a place where all the antique from the palace is being exhibited.
Our trip included 中正纪念堂 and shopping ard Ximenting. This was the day we went to buy a extra luggage. Heehee...
As the night before we went to Ximenting to shop hence we decided to head down to 新光三月百货. We took 捷運 from Ximenting to 新光三月百货. Singaporean got lots to learn. Pple queue when train arrive. Pple allow passenger to alight before boarding the train. Pple dont cut queue on the escalator. Shame on Singaporean.
At the busy street of Ximenting

Took 捷運 to

They have underground shopping mall too.

Taipei City



HB and Me

Brinda and Me (Our fellow tour group mates, she is same age as me but already a Mother of 2)

Group shoot

January 14, 2009
Thailand or Hong Kong
This year all the holiday are long weekend!!! Im already starting to plan my holiday. I think I have no choice to give up Tibet as neither HB nor my health condition can take the harsh weather condition in Tibet.
Yesterday was telling HB that we can plan a holiday to Thailand for Songkran festival in April. HB isnt keen for Thailand as he is worried abt the political stability. This morning news was at his side, Thailand is suffering from cold current, the degree drop till 4 degree celcius.
Im a great believe or Karma. Last time HB alway ask me whether I would like to go for holiday at Bangkok(fully paid by him!!!) and I alway reject him. Now its my turn!!! What goes ard comes ard...... >.<"'
So our next choice is Hong Kong. Tracy we are finally going to Hong Kong!!!! Hahaha!!!
All of the above are subjected to confirmation in 1-2 mths time. Maybe, maybe HB will change his mind!!!!
Yesterday was telling HB that we can plan a holiday to Thailand for Songkran festival in April. HB isnt keen for Thailand as he is worried abt the political stability. This morning news was at his side, Thailand is suffering from cold current, the degree drop till 4 degree celcius.
Im a great believe or Karma. Last time HB alway ask me whether I would like to go for holiday at Bangkok(fully paid by him!!!) and I alway reject him. Now its my turn!!! What goes ard comes ard...... >.<"'
So our next choice is Hong Kong. Tracy we are finally going to Hong Kong!!!! Hahaha!!!
All of the above are subjected to confirmation in 1-2 mths time. Maybe, maybe HB will change his mind!!!!
January 13, 2009
Okay not so much on resolution but on what need to be done in 2009.
1. Get the 2 front tooth done
(The pain, many follow up session and the moolah super turn off. Imagine 2 crown cost almost $1500.....)
2. Learn driving
(Ultimate turn off!!!! I still figuring out when 1 person can get lost at MRT can pass the driving test...... 1 driving license can buy at least 3 EVA.......)
3.Go Exercise
(Muhahaha my Chinese Sensei have been nagging dont know since when...... I'll try my best.........)
4.Earn more moolah to save more moolah
(Basically already kick off, I'll blog abt this in another post)
5.Spend more time with family
(Rcv complains from parents..... I'll keep this for another post)
6.Make babies
(Suppose to be part of my 2009 plan, but Im planning to go Hokkaido for a winter holiday, so postpone the baby plan first. Maybe can make in Japan. Hahaha!!!)
There shouldnt be any big events in 2009, the above shall be review in mid 2009.
1. Get the 2 front tooth done
(The pain, many follow up session and the moolah super turn off. Imagine 2 crown cost almost $1500.....)
2. Learn driving
(Ultimate turn off!!!! I still figuring out when 1 person can get lost at MRT can pass the driving test...... 1 driving license can buy at least 3 EVA.......)
3.Go Exercise
(Muhahaha my Chinese Sensei have been nagging dont know since when...... I'll try my best.........)
4.Earn more moolah to save more moolah
(Basically already kick off, I'll blog abt this in another post)
5.Spend more time with family
(Rcv complains from parents..... I'll keep this for another post)
6.Make babies
(Suppose to be part of my 2009 plan, but Im planning to go Hokkaido for a winter holiday, so postpone the baby plan first. Maybe can make in Japan. Hahaha!!!)
There shouldnt be any big events in 2009, the above shall be review in mid 2009.
Lunar Bday
Okay after making the silly joke, this time round I got the date correct. Went back to have my Bday "Mee Sua". Chinese believe that during Bday must eat 面线 to symbolise "living up to ripe age".
I have tried many many 面线 sold at hawker, food centre and resturant, none beats my Mom's 面线. She is the best cook I ever know.

PS: This is one the of the super late post. I still have some super late post yet to get it up. I'll try my best......
I have tried many many 面线 sold at hawker, food centre and resturant, none beats my Mom's 面线. She is the best cook I ever know.

PS: This is one the of the super late post. I still have some super late post yet to get it up. I'll try my best......
January 8, 2009
We are planning to get a car and have been looking ard. No Im not blogging abt what car I wanna buy but on the recent car rides I had these few days. HB is driving his bro car since he is away for holiday.
Night driving was not so bad as there is lesser car on the road. Morning ride seriously sucks!!!! The jammed at our place and AYE clementi ave 6 were real bad. The repeated stop and move motion make me car sick. I got so frustrated when the traffic just cant move. I also cant understand some SG driver……
For just these few days of driving, we already got 1 summon for parking at our place’s carpark and 1 pending for driving into the bus lane. Though for the bus lane case we were pretty sure we will not get it. $50 already flew to government’s pocket.
The good thing abt having car is so CONVENIENT for LAZY pple like me. In the morning, I just chucked whatever I need in the car and HB will deliver it to me later in the evening. It save me from carrying bulky item on the train and heavy item ard. Of cos this will not be applicable if I need to deliver the item before I meet up my HB or we will not be meeting up in the evening. Usually we meet up in the evening be it to Mom place or else where, except for today. I carry so many bottles of pineapple tarts to my clients and I need to purchase stickers to stick on them…… Look like an ediot with so many bag on the train….
I think I will not drive often even I have a car. Im so gonna lost my cool on the road…….. Being not the driver, I already curse and swear on those ediot driver on the road and what make me worry most is the motorist. There were so many motorist that appear from no where.
Life is a joke, we fred when we don’t have car and we still fred when we have car. Tt life huh……
Night driving was not so bad as there is lesser car on the road. Morning ride seriously sucks!!!! The jammed at our place and AYE clementi ave 6 were real bad. The repeated stop and move motion make me car sick. I got so frustrated when the traffic just cant move. I also cant understand some SG driver……
For just these few days of driving, we already got 1 summon for parking at our place’s carpark and 1 pending for driving into the bus lane. Though for the bus lane case we were pretty sure we will not get it. $50 already flew to government’s pocket.
The good thing abt having car is so CONVENIENT for LAZY pple like me. In the morning, I just chucked whatever I need in the car and HB will deliver it to me later in the evening. It save me from carrying bulky item on the train and heavy item ard. Of cos this will not be applicable if I need to deliver the item before I meet up my HB or we will not be meeting up in the evening. Usually we meet up in the evening be it to Mom place or else where, except for today. I carry so many bottles of pineapple tarts to my clients and I need to purchase stickers to stick on them…… Look like an ediot with so many bag on the train….
I think I will not drive often even I have a car. Im so gonna lost my cool on the road…….. Being not the driver, I already curse and swear on those ediot driver on the road and what make me worry most is the motorist. There were so many motorist that appear from no where.
Life is a joke, we fred when we don’t have car and we still fred when we have car. Tt life huh……
I have been posted to Batam Office on 02/01/09 to 03/01/2009. My CO send me to guide the CSO on the new system. Woke up at 530am, rise and shine, make up, rush to Harbour Front to board the ferry to Batam. My ferry was 755am, have to reach there by 710am. Took a quick breakfast with HB and rush for the ferry.
I reached Batam at 755am Batam timing. Batam is 1 hour behind our time. Went to nearby grab breakfast, wanna get some sandwich but they only have burger. Breakfast cost abt $35000 Rupiah. Seem a lot huh, actually only cost abt $4 in Singapore. Very affordable compare to Singapore, I don’t think we can get a burger with fries and mineral water at $4.
Colleague from Batam office pick me up and fetch me to office. Soon operation started kicking off in the office. I’m really impressed with their operation system and working attitude.
The CSO took their initiative and approach me to teach them on the system. Hence I go thru the system with them. They were really hardworking workers, they not only pay serious attention to my teaching and they could start running the system w/o much guidance. Their working attitude is something I admire most. They never flare when meet up with problems on the system, in fact they go “Jas hahaha help me”, their laughter lighten up the tension of the whole operation and my foreign present.
When I went thru their work, out of 10 only 1 minor mistake found. When I pointed out the mistake to them, they don’t show unhappiness to me. I just love the way N goes “hahaha Jas give me discount on this BL”
The first day operation ended at almost 8pm. Went to pick up HB from the ferry terminal and they also brought us to dinner. Actually I feel very paiseh, they can leave after work but all becos of me they need to accompany me to dinner.
Second day operation was smooth until our super attitude IT Engineer is here. It was one whole afternoon bickering with him on the system amendment. It was a very blood puking experience. I left at almost 5pm. Quickly check out the hotel and head for the ferry terminal.
I kind of miss them and their food. Their so friendly, they bring me ard for meal and I didn’t fork out a single cents…… I miss the KOPI SUSU, Lontong and this fish cake delicacy call “Umpek Umpek” Im not sure whether I got the correct spelling.
Will definitely go back for holiday again.
Kind of slow in my updating of my blog. Been very tired lately….. My gastric have been tormenting me for almost to 1 mth. Most of the time when I reach home I KO after dinner.
I reached Batam at 755am Batam timing. Batam is 1 hour behind our time. Went to nearby grab breakfast, wanna get some sandwich but they only have burger. Breakfast cost abt $35000 Rupiah. Seem a lot huh, actually only cost abt $4 in Singapore. Very affordable compare to Singapore, I don’t think we can get a burger with fries and mineral water at $4.
Colleague from Batam office pick me up and fetch me to office. Soon operation started kicking off in the office. I’m really impressed with their operation system and working attitude.
The CSO took their initiative and approach me to teach them on the system. Hence I go thru the system with them. They were really hardworking workers, they not only pay serious attention to my teaching and they could start running the system w/o much guidance. Their working attitude is something I admire most. They never flare when meet up with problems on the system, in fact they go “Jas hahaha help me”, their laughter lighten up the tension of the whole operation and my foreign present.
When I went thru their work, out of 10 only 1 minor mistake found. When I pointed out the mistake to them, they don’t show unhappiness to me. I just love the way N goes “hahaha Jas give me discount on this BL”
The first day operation ended at almost 8pm. Went to pick up HB from the ferry terminal and they also brought us to dinner. Actually I feel very paiseh, they can leave after work but all becos of me they need to accompany me to dinner.
Second day operation was smooth until our super attitude IT Engineer is here. It was one whole afternoon bickering with him on the system amendment. It was a very blood puking experience. I left at almost 5pm. Quickly check out the hotel and head for the ferry terminal.
I kind of miss them and their food. Their so friendly, they bring me ard for meal and I didn’t fork out a single cents…… I miss the KOPI SUSU, Lontong and this fish cake delicacy call “Umpek Umpek” Im not sure whether I got the correct spelling.
Will definitely go back for holiday again.
Kind of slow in my updating of my blog. Been very tired lately….. My gastric have been tormenting me for almost to 1 mth. Most of the time when I reach home I KO after dinner.
January 3, 2009
Bye Bye 2008
Finally 2008 is over. Basically 2008 had been a very dissapointing year to me. Too many things happen..... Maybe this how pple grow...... Thru mistakes we learn to become a better person. Its the saddest thing that one dont learn from mistakes and continue repeating them.
All the happening in 2008 also kind of make me a different person. I some how now have a different sets of thinking towards life and pple.
Let hope I'll have a peaceful 2009 ahead.
All the happening in 2008 also kind of make me a different person. I some how now have a different sets of thinking towards life and pple.
Let hope I'll have a peaceful 2009 ahead.
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