My EDD got push back to 15/02/2010, but read from many source tt usually the first scan is the most accurate. Anyway my mom ask me to get ready for birth in early feb, cos usually first BB is 1-2 weeks earlier. My Mom gave birth to me 2 weeks earlier and spend 12 hours in the labour room w/o epidural. I really salute my Mom, she give birth to 4 BB w/o epidural and the best thing is my 2nd sis didnt engaged, my Mom insisted to give birth naturally instead of C-Sect. I hope Im as strong as her and wont be begging for epidural in the labour room.
BB is as active as usual, clapping hands, sucking thumb, scratching the head and cant stop moving ard. The ultrasound turn out to be very blur again. Dr Wong ask us whether we want to know the BB's gender if he can see it today, of cos we nodded as we cant wait. This BB really cheeky, for the past few check up legs are alway open and we do see tt little thing sticking out since WK 11 though Dr Wong refused to confirm. This time round this BB decide to cross the feet, Dr Wong try to disturb and make BB open up the leg, but BB refused. We move on to viewing other parts of the body and went back again in abt 10mins. Finally BB open up abit though still crossing, Dr Wong manage to see it from the backside instead from the front top view.
Dr Wong commented, "hmmm looks like a boy to me", turn ard and look like HB and say " can be 80% sure tt its a BB boy". Finally we solve the gender mystery. My cousin say my BB shy, I think he is more cheeky than shy, purposely sit in a "u want to see, must spend some time looking for it" position. I think I will have a good time cracking my head over him when he grows up.
Why 80%, becos Dr Wong is a conservative type of gynae, well being a Sgporean I knew why he say 80% instead of 100% though even HB also saw the PP. Anyway 20% leave it to the detailed scan on 09/10. Hence this check up burst my pink combi pram dream.
Anyway my weight is not ideal, weighing only 44.2kgm, Dr Wong expect me to be at least 45kgm. But BB is a heavy BB weighing heavier than the average weight. So small size mummy doesnt mean small size BB, at least I wont feel so guilty for not putting on the extra weight.
Hb is so cute, on the train he suddenly whisper to me, "10q for bearing me a son". Hb has been very assuring, remember the first check up, he also whisper into my ear, "you are so great, going to give birth to our BB". Sometimes when I complain to him that he will soon bring an old haggard and fat woman out, he just say "Dont worry, we will grow old and fat together". Awwwwww.......