Yesterday HB and I went to Ikea for our favourite Hot dog bread. We bought quite a bit of stuff and decided to take a cab back home.
A pregnant Caucasian mother to be was queuing in front of us. I guess she is at least 7-8 mths preggy judging from her tummy size and swollen legs. A group of girls was in front of her. They happily got on their cab and left the trolley behind. The Caucasian mother to be had to help them push the trolley back.
HB notice that the pregnant lady had a very heavy item on her trolley, so he went up and help to carry it to the taxi's booth. The taxi uncle despite seeing her with a big tummy, didnt came down to help......
After hopping into the taxi, HB were telling me that the item is really heavy and luckily her HB is waiting for her at the destination. I told HB the taxi driver 不会自动, as he didn't offer his help to the pregnant lady.
To my disgust, the taxi driver who is driving replied, "not that we taxi driver don't want to help, later if we help her and get ourselves injured we do not have company medical leave. We cant work for that few days and still have to pay for taxi rent. 人不为己,天诛地灭......"
Thru the whole journey, he goes on and on non stop on how tough is being a taxi driver, how taxi company exploit them and if we passenger would like to have better service, then taxi company have to do increase their benefit.
I was totally disgusted by what he say!!!
Our society has become so self centered that everyone only think of themselves. Its only me, myself and I!!!!
Luckily HB was around to help, I cant imagine how a pregnant woman is able to lift up such heavy item which HB comment its heavy.....