Reading also helps to bond you and your baby closer. Sheldon can recognize HB's voice and respond by movements in the womb.All this Kudos to Hb who make an effort to talk and read to Sheldon. Bonding with you child is a very important aspect in family life.
The library board has launched a "Born to Read, Read to Bond" programme in 2007. This programme is meant for expecting mothers and children from age 0-6 years old. Upon signing up, a free care packs will be given.
Free care packs item:
1.Baby Journal (Journaled milestones & 25-page information guide)
2.Baby's First CD (for foetus to enjoy; parents to learn to tell stories, nursery rhymes and lullabies)
3.Baby's Height Chart (indicate baby's developmental milestones and appropriate reading)
4.A reading record card. (Whereby for every 60 books that is being borrowed under the child's account, the child will be entitled a mystery gift from the library.)
You may read more about the programme from the library website

Indeed a gift!!!

Hi there,
Came to your blog thru You are in good hands under Prof Biswas in NUH. Our boy, like yours, need to go thru a surgery after birth due to a big cyst growing on his neck.
The Neonatal surgeon that operate on our son is Prof Prabha from NUH as well.
Just wanna let you know that I understand what you went thru. It was a hard period for me and my wife too. Things are great now. You can read more about my experience at my blog. Too long a story to type out in a single comment. The URL is
With best regards
Hi Ferris,
Tks for your kind words and encouragement. Tks for sharing your story. I read your blog, you are indeed a fabulous Dad!!!!.
Hi Jas,
I'm far from being fabulous. Just doing my part as a husband and father.
Are you going to deliver at NUH under the care of Prof Biswas or are you sticking to your own gynae?
Hi Ferris,
Im sticking with my gynae, and have decide the team of specialist for BB. We will conside Prof Biswas for my second child.
Dont mind me asking, was BB cranky after surgery?
My boy has his operation done when he was 7 days old. I believed at that tender age, he does not know what is pain/discomfort or does not know how to express. So nope, not really cranky. Quite normal as a matter of fact. Slept and ate normally.
Babies usually start their fussiness and crankiness when they are between 5-12 weeks old, the period where they are prone to colic. That will give u endless sleepless nights.
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