2nd time: You were 11 weeks old, you were so active inside my womb. You were kicking, punching and bashing, you even did a 180 degree flip and landed urself on the other side of my womb. You couldnt stop moving, hence the ultrasound picture was blur. In less than 3 weeks you grew almost 2.5 times measuring 4.3cm.
3rd time: You were 12 weeks old, you were slping and the nurse comment that its good tt u remain at position so that she can take an accurate measurement of you. We were at TMC for OSCAR test and hospital tour, we even signed up for the antenatal class which is starting in October. This is the only time I see you were slping so far, nurse comment tt maybe I didnt have a full breakfast hence u had no energy for moving ard. The nurse try to wake u up, but u use ur hand and brush it off and continue slping. The OSCAR test result was good, the possibilities is only 1-20000.
4th time: You were 13 weeks old, this time round we were in a worrying state that we might lost you. I have to be admitted to hospital due to spotting issues. I couldnt get to see u on the ultrasound machine but Daddy Chen could and the nurse said tt your were swimming happily inside. I could only hear ur heartbeat and tt all I can ask for you to be safe and sound.
5th time: You were 14 weeks old, you were 8cm long. You were shaking ur head, clapping ur hands, put ur hand on ur head and play with ur legs with ur hands. Ur turn ur head away from the camera, u refuse to turn back even Dr Wong try to make some pressure on you. After a while, u turn ard and face the camera, looking straight into the camera for a long time. Same thing, you couldnt stop moving, but this time round the ultrasound picture turn out better than the one on 11 weeks old. U did a "Alamak/Aiyo" post when Dr Wong took a picture of you. You must have heard our joke last night, when I were telling Daddy Chen how a young lady cover her eyes with her hand so tt she can continue sitting on the train. So Daddy Chen say tt I should do a "Alamak/Aiyo" post to tell that lady how pathetic she was. We left the clinic amaze that you actually know how to clap hands when no one teaches you.
We will be seeing you again on 05/09/2009, hopefully we can get a confirmation on your gender, so that we can get the correct item for you. I promise a pink combi pram if we are on team PINK, Daddy Chen likes the black combi, we might get tt if we are on team BLUE. We will love you no matter whether u r a girl or boy, just be a good and healthy kid when u r out, cos mummy hates non-stop crying baby and spoilt kids. If u r naughty, I'll stuff u back inside again. Kekeke.
12 weeks old

13 weeks old

Babe, when's yr EDD? Around CNY period?
Yupz my EDD is on CNY eve.
Look for confinement lady already? I heard rates pretty high during this period.
Yupz heard is $200-300 more. My mom is taking 1 mth leave to do confinement for me. Im only use to my mom's cooking. Are we hearing good news from you soon?
Soon. :)
Tt great to hear!!!
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