Our flight is 8am in the morning, 6am have to check in and we woke up at 4am!!!
At the airport

Our Flight

Waiting to board the plane. Super Sleepy!!!

Our first stop was at 渔人码头. 情人桥 is one of their famous tourist & lover spot. It was because 流星花园 had one of the screen shot done here. Weather was suppose to be cool but it turn out to be sunny. But the wind is very cooling and strong despite the scorching sun.

Scenery of 渔人码头


Trying out their local delights

America got talent? Taiwan got talent too!! Along 渔人码头 there were at least 5 performance going on and 1 of the band member is as 60 yrs old!!! I saw another middle age man play music with saw blade!!! Amazing isnt it!!!

Very cute Hello Kitty coach. Its their very own Taiwan coach style. I have seen Doraemon and many other cartoon coach ard.

Went to one of the mall while the rest went for Ferry Wheel ride, we went to arcade and play some game. Took a pic with my favourite Doraemon.

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