November 9, 2008

Taiwan - Day 1 (士林夜市) (Part 2)

In the evening we went to the very famous night market, 士林夜市. I think most Sgporean should know this place even w/o coming to Taiwan. 这里就只有买东西吃东西买东西吃东西!!!

Taiwan famous 香肠. They have super gigantic 香肠.

Another famous local delight - 大肠包小肠

白玉苦瓜汁. 一点都不苦喔!!!

蚝煎, 嘛辣臭豆腐&鸭血, 鲁肉饭

I spent most of my money eating and shopping. This man spend most of his money playing games. Oh well, I must say Singapore doesn't have such games ard. There were REAL Air Gun game and many more. I fire abt 6 out of 18 shot and I gave up. Too tough!!!

There were also many cute cartoon ard.

PS: Must be wondering very so little picture, becos I were busy shopping. Muhahaha!!!

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