Yesterday I saw on news headlines that Quan Yi Fong had filed divorced. Initially I thought it was just some paparazzi news hence did not bothered. During lunch, I were reading My Paper and saw the article on her divorce issue. Her divorce news is true.....
Read her
blogShe wrote abt her thoughts, her true feeling. Many pple think she is a very 泼辣 woman, but I think otherwise. To me she is a very strong woman, someone who will admit mistakes, correct it and live on as a better person. I feel sad for her, but if hanging on is unhappy, separating is relieve, then the choice is clear.
Quote from her blog.
我站在一旁, 清楚的看着, 你如何咬紧牙, 忍着痛… 或许是当下的那一阵痛吧? 模糊了你的视线…
你没看到吗? 当你忍痛抬起头时, 你眼前有着无数双手, 准备把你扶起… 其中, 包括那一只, 你紧握了十年的手…
” 站起来就好… 跌倒了不要怕, 洗涤了伤口之后, 给它时间… 因为… 它总会愈合的. 痛过, 才会更能体会所谓的 真.善.美. “
疼爱你的人, 会在适当的时候放开手, 让你自由自在, 追寻你向往的天堂…
Upon reading this few lines, my heart went all out for her.