June 22, 2011

Hygiene Pls!!!

I was quite shock to see some ladieS who didn't wash their hands after using the toilet. I thought washing hands after using the toilet is a basic hygiene practice???? Seriously we should at least have basic hygiene practise in daily lives. No ones want to shake a hand which is not wash after flushing the toilet.

Tell me which is worse? Used to share the toilet with an ex colleague who doesn't flush the toilet after using it or witnessing people who simply walk out w/o washing their hands after using the toilet. Well to me, both are just as BAD!

Tell me about this picture? This was taken from a LADIES! I seriously do not understand how did the urine got on to the toilet bowl........ 这个人(女人),真的很厉害! 佩服!佩服!

Last but not least, pls kindly spare a thought for others when using a public toilet. Nobody loves using a dirty toilet.

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