June 21, 2010

Baby S Favourite

Every baby just have their favourite. It could be bolster, pillow, soft toys or anything.

When Baby S was more aware of his surrounding, he started to "make friends". First it was our bedroom window. He would smile happily at the window without fail. Second was the clock in our bedroom, he will coo non stop at it and often broke out in laughter. Thirdly was our wedding picture at the main hall, he would too coo and laugh at the sight of it. Among them the clock "entertained" him the most and for longest period.

Slowly he out grown all the above favourites. Now his favourite which is also our favourite is the squeaky bear soft toy. Mr Bear coax him to drink his milk, keep him calm when he cries and coax him to bed. How can such good toy not be our favourite.

How come I didn't recall having any favourite last time?

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