05/02/2010: Having irregular contraction, decided to stay home just in case contraction got worse during journey to work.
05/02/2010 evening : Contraction getting more regular but not intense enough.
06/02/2010 Morning: Admit TMC for CTG scan. Midwives confirm Im having contraction and was already 1.5 cm dilated.
06/02/2010 Afternoon: Move to delivery ward. Trying to cope with the labour pain.
06/02/2010 Evening: Dr Wong came in check cervix, only 3 com dilated!!! Still tolerating the pain. Was put on drip to induce the labour.
06/02/2010 late evening: Midwives commented that my blood pressure on the higher side and must monitor closely.
06/02/2010 Night: Still tolerating the pain and midwives commented a few times that my blood pressure is rising. I start to worry....
07/02/2010 Morning: Dr Wong came in and check cervix, only 4 cm. WTH!!!! 1 whole night of labour pain only 1 cm. Dr Wong ask whether I want epidural, I rejected. He bust the water bag hoping the cervix to dilate faster.
07/02/2010 230pm: Dr Wong came in and check cervix, still 4 cm only!! Midwives advise my blood pressure is still on the high side. Dr Wong advise that Im too tense up from tolerating the pain that why my blood pressure is rising. He suggest epidural to relieve my tension and also allowed the cervix to dilate faster. Afraid that I will be wheeled into operation theater, I agree to epidural.
07/02/2010 5pm: Have the shitting feeling, call for midwives but she advise that it shouldnt be so soon. Despite being on epidural, I still can feel the contraction pain, the most amazing part is I feel Sheldon "dropping" into birth canal.
07/02/2010 620pm: Have the intense shitting feeling, all for midwives. Finally 10 cm dilated, ready to push but Dr Wong is at next door doing stitching. A while later, midwives came back and say I can start to push. Dr Wong follow in shortly. I push with all my might, Dr Wong commented Im doing well and ask me to continue to push harder.
07/02/2010 630pm: Dr Wong explain that Sheldon not moving down despite my pushing, advise to use vaccum to assist my labour. I agree, as Im really drain out after so many days of labour.
07/02/2010 636pm: Heard Sheldon first cry!!!! And it mark my proudest moment of my life.
After delivering Sheldon, I started puking non stop, nurse advise is the side effect of epidural.

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