I have been struggling for the past 2 months to keep expressing milk for Baby S. Like any Mummy, I believe that breast milk is the best for our baby. I do feel guilty to stop expressing at such early stages.
Im alone at home during the day time and there is really a lot for me to juggle. Due to his Baby S condition, he feed almost close to 1 hr for each feed. After his feed I have to change diapers, change his tape, wash his plate, pump milk, wash and sterilize bottle. Before I can do anything else Baby S screaming for milk again.... At times when he is really cranky, there is no way I can do anything except having him in my arms.
Due to the negligence of my care, Baby S down with thrush infection. Luckily Dr Lee spotted it early, if not the thrush infection will spread to his whole mouth and cause him hell lots of pain.
So I drop pumping of milk, I now can have more time feeding him and keep the hygiene level to the maximum level.
Luckily I did store a fair bit of milk for the past 2 months. If not I will feel more guilty.
My upper tray of the freezer is close to 3/4 full with EBM.

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