January 8, 2010

Antenatal Check Up - Week 35

Sheldon's weight: 2.548Kgm (Dr Wong is satisfy with the weight)
Mummy's weight: 56.4 (Pass weight test!!!) (Put on 13.9Kgm)

Sheldon already partially engaged, and we will see Dr Wong every weekly. I be doing the strep B test next week.

According to Baby Center, this week is the peak of the weight gaining, I hope for the next few week the weight gain will be very slight. My appetite has increase, especially this week, mother nature is always so amazing.

On the not so good side, I start to have stretch mark at the bottom of my tummy, not a lot but I do hope it will cease here. The price to pay for pregnancy..... My left leg start to swell and both leg look so unbalance in term of size.

Im having such pimples on and off, it sometimes grow behind the ears, this one happen to be behind my neck......

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