This sotong me, calculate the date wrongly in the first mth, advice given to me was forget abt calculating, JUST DO IT!!!
I tested positive on 05/06 morning, confirmed it in the evening after visiting the GP.
The moment of happiness didnt came in the morning, irony the moment became so true to me when doctor say "Congratulation". HB morning reaction was very cartoon, imagine he was still half asleep when
he saw the test kit result, the smile was so "silly". Haha!!!
HB is even more happy. I regretted not recording down his reaction when he thanks the doctor.
HB started asking A LOT of questions. Can she eat this and she eat that. What must be avoided and etc.....
The GP was nice to check on our due date. Its next year mid feb!!!
I have this cant wait feeling now. On 05/07 we will scheduled the first scan. I cant wait to see the BB's heartbeat, cant wait to see the sac, okay fine I know its just a SAC, but I just cant wait ya.
News were only released to close friends, parents and cousin. Keep it a secret okay!!!
Also tks to all of your concern and it make feel so blessed!!!
Tks for feeling so happy for me!!!

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