I got sick and tired of visting vet and listening to different side of stories. Steroid, antibiotics and anti-fungal can only subside the symptom for a while, after the effect is gone, her fungal comes back again.
I changed from different brand of kibbles to different type of meat source. I were even crazy enough to even put her on vegetarian diet. Nothing works, I were close to giving up. Recently I have chance to start looking into web for more information abt what causes her nvr "heal" fungal problem.
I decided to give natural cures for a try. First I change her diet to BARF (raw food), use natural handmade organic soap for bathing and add ACV to her diet. TADA!!!! It works, I have not notice any new bald patches and the old ones are starting to grow furs again. I might consider to add flaxseed oil or coconut oil if necessary.
Do google for the benefits of ACV, human can consume it too. Those who are slimming, ACV does help to boast metabolism rate and help in losing weight.
Organic Apple Cinder Vinegar

Natural handmade soap I bought from Hong Kong. (I'll try to learn how to make the soap)

These are selling in Spore: http://www.nutrimaxorganic.com/chinese/a_yuan_soaps.html
Let me know if you know how to DIY them! I *heart* handmade soaps.
I'll try to master hehe. By the way, the other day I saw this TV show abt Ah Yuan soap. Wondering is it expensive in SG, cos the webby does not state any price. I got mine from Hkg at only HKD$15 (SGD$3). But its does state the item origin from Taiwan.
Yes yes, I first saw Ah Yuan Fei Zao from a TV show too.
Found the original TW link: http://www.taiwansoap.com.tw/
The product list is sooooo tempting!
The previous link is one of the many shops that carry that products here. From original TW webby, if 1 soap in TW average $300, that would be more than $10/piece yah?
Then I think local shops will sell even higher....
When it come to SG, it will be most prob double or even higher........
If I cant get it done successfully. I'll most prob get my Hkg friend to send it to me. Luckily I bought 3 of it when I were in Hkg. Should able to last me for quite sometime.....
Hope your DIY project is successful...then...TEACH ME HOR! :p
Otherwise, I can lug some back for the dogs + hoomans end of the year. Following my sister to TW for her wedding photoshoot.
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