April 3, 2009

Updates on Granny

Granny went for a heart scan on Tuesday, to confirm whether there were blocked arteries. The Doctor already confirmed that she has blocked arteries, is just a matter of how many arteries is being blocked and how badly blocked it its.

If arteries were not badly blocked, Doctor will proceed with "ballon" operation to clear the blockage. This "ballon" operation can only deduct $2000 from the medisave and the rest we have to upfront cash. 1st artery $2700 after deducting medisave, follow by $1800 per artery. We were asked to prepare at least 5K or more. Actually the doctor already hint to us before going for the scan that at least 3 of her arteries were blocked. So all in sum will be 6.3K, just that doctor cant make judgement before any scan done.

The good thing of being in a big family is that, when huge amt drop from the sky we can split among each other and the amt will become small to individual. Anyway Granny is blessed with children and grandchildren who have earning power. We can afford to have an aunt who work on ad hoc basis and able to take care of granny on full time basis. 有这样的福气我相信是奶奶自己修回来的.

The scan result was not good, 3 major arteries were 95% blocked. Due to the blockage area, Doctor couldnt  proceed with "ballon" operation. Doctor advise by-pass operation is the solution to her condition.

Doctor will advise us on the risk and we will need to discuss whether to let her go ahead with the operation. It is not a joking matter to put a 73 years old thru a surgery.

Today she went for another scan for her heart. Oh well there will be a voting going on soon.

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