Granny had a very bad fall and was hospitalised. Most of us went there to visit her. Grandaunt together with her family came and visit her. She saw me outside the ward. She commented 漂亮的妈妈生漂亮的女儿.
I replied tks. I tks her for complimenting my mom. Grandaunt watch my mom grow up. From baby to being Mummy and in time to come Granny. Even I also find that Mom is very pretty esp during her younger times.
Growing old is a process that we can nvr avoid. Mum grow thru 4 times of birth and so much to bring us up. Sometimes, its very sad we no longer hear praises from pple just becos we aged. That why I really appreciate this compliment from my Grandaunt.
Mom and Me. Do we look a like?


Mum's younger sister, Joewen Aunt. She is another pretty Mama.


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