I dont come from a well to do family, we use to be very poor. I started working since 13 for my own allowance and pay off my sch fees. For pple who nvr taste the feeling of being very poor will nvr understand.
I still remember during my poly times, I have to work part time, $$ were barely enough to pay off sch fees and sch books. Many times, meal are just plain biscuit and plain water.
I told myself, the day when I step out to work officially, I make sure every year will be a better year.
Thing are so much better compare to last time, Im not very rich but neither am I that poor girl last time. I thank those who help us along the way, remember those who look down on us.
我谢谢那些瞧不起我的人, 是你们让我那么努力的证明自己. Sorry to disappoint you as well, this poor girl that you guys thought could nvr make it out of the poor environment has make it. 我会比那些瞧不起我的人更有钱. 我会为了这一天付出双倍的努力.

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