Hubby and I decided that we shall do a small birthday celebration for Baby S as we didn't like the experience of having TOO MUCH guest at a go. Yes we are referring to Baby's full month celebration. Guess what, we didn't even have time to catch up with our guest. It was a "hi-bye" event. My house was so cramped with more than 50 guests. Hence we do not want to repeat this history again.
We have dinner at Long Beach IMM with my immediate family. The food is good except the black pepper crab was too spicy. The service was more than fantastic!!!
Just woke up from the long afternoon nap.

Cheeky Boy!

Pressie from my Sis and Sis's BF.

Very serious about IPHONE.

With my parents.

His Bday cake, bought it from Swensen.

The family shot.

Happy Birthday to Baby S!!! :)
Hi Yun,
Tks so much. May I know who are you? I guess u r someone I know from DS?
Yes, I visited DS for info because Ihave a maltese and a shih-tzu. But I do not know you. Just came upon your blog one day and I found it nice and sweet, esp. on your Baby S. Keep it up! Nice "meeting" you online. :)
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