Year 2010 had been an extreme good and bad for me, I thank God for the good that were blessed on us, as for the bad I'll just take it as to learn some valuable lesson from surviving the ordeal.
Earlier on this year I delivered Baby S and no amount of bad shall forfeit this good. We went through treatment and surgery together. I must give lots of Kudos to my dearest son, he fought so bravely this year and on top of that he did not forget to bring us lots of laughter. Both of his surgery are huge success!!!
We found a good nanny for Baby S, so its a great relieve for his weekday day care. With the step in of a great help, our lives are much back to normal or even better. Else I think I will die of endless worries.
Baby S has been hitting his developing milestones well, there were even a few occasion he surprise us by saying, Hi, Bye, No more and milk. I guess nothing beats an ever happy and bubbly baby.
I had passed my BTT and also my FTE. I should be able to clear FTT in mid Jan and start booking for my driving lessons.
HB is going to move on in his career, a good kick off for 2011.
The family went to into a chaos because of a foolish act. My colly use to tell me that everything happen for a good reason. For this foolish act we found a good nanny and really get to know who are the ones who really love us. Therefore Im not too sure whether I shall categories this a good or bad.
Finance had been bad for 2010, we spent a bomb on Baby S's treatment and surgery. On top of that the sudden cost of nanny and 'logistics' have been an impact to us. The good thing of this bad is we manage to sort our finance and learn to be thrifty in our daily lives.
Job has always been bad!!! The high turnover rate and the same old management problem are seriously irking me badly. I hope for 2011 things get better if not this problem shall never ends.
So much so for 2010, I hope 2011 will be a more bless, fulfilling and prosperous one!!! Im also looking forward to our 1st family holiday trip in 2011!!! Happy New Year 2011 to everyone!!!