November 29, 2010

Life is not like this!!!

-When you are not happy you call quits.
-When you don't feel like it, you simply dump your responsibilities aside. This is call irresponsibility.
-Don't live like a victim and act as if the whole whole owes you.
-When you are on good terms with XXX then you use him to turn against your displease on us and when you are not on good terms with him you bad mouth him to us.

Life is a package of good and bad. You simply can't just choose the good and ignore or dump the bad.

Life is very sad when nobody around you bother to tell you that you did such an irresponsible act.

Last but not least get a life, stop behaving like drama queen / childish kid demanding for attention. If people refuse to give in you do stupid actions to get what you want.

The whole world can give in to you but I'm not. I don't have that kind of time to play your games and I have enough of it. I have a life to live so GET A LIFE PLS!!!!

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