August 10, 2010

Babies are born swimmer

I bought a swimming tub and this is the beginning of an expensive exercise. We have to let the water run for at least a good whole 20mins to only fill 1/2 the tub.

Baby S do enjoy the swimming session very much. Initially he didnt know what to do. After 5 mins, he started kicking and swimming happily in the tub.

Enjoying himself in the tub.

See how happy he is!!! This is all that is needed to melt our heart.


Baby Jade said...

hi hi.

the photos can't load on my PC somehow.

are you guyz swimming at Hwa Xia Baby Spa, Plaza Sing?

if not, can share where you go for baby swimming?

Jas said...

Nope I bought the swimming tub and he swims at home.