July 13, 2010

NUH Chalet - Day 1 (Orchestra Symphony)

Initial plan was to leave at 2pm as we had to admit by 3pm. We received a call in the morning from NUH to stay put as there were not enough beds. We received a call at 2pm again to proceed down to NUH.

God answer my prayer by giving the day a good downpour so the weather was cooling. After all the administration, we proceed to our ward. Baby S was simply attracted by the next bed patient's balloon, so my Mom got him the same one. Nurses at the PICU ward were fantastic, they were caring and very helpful.

The night decided to stay young for PICU ward!!! Baby S was cranky all night, I guess he wasn't too familiar with the environment. Kiddos in the ward take turn to cry. It all started with Baby S, then it goes on and on for the whole night. The girl at the last bed cried thru out the night, poor mummy was carrying her in and out of the ward.

PS: Tks Christine for dropping by to visit, your presents and presence are much appreciated.

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