FUN! FUN! FUN! Really didn't regret signing up the trial class with
Kindermusik!!! Baby S and I enjoyed the session. I learned so much from the class. Kindermusik is definitely more than music.
I have been looking around for schools and classes for Baby S, because I do not want to send my son to a school which only emphasis on academical studies. Learning is definitely more than these.
Baby S can cry the whole house down, but once we start singing to him he will calm down. When he is fussy during milk feed, we just have to sing to him and he will peacefully finish his milk. Daddy has been singing him to sleep lately. With such strong liking of music I signed up for Kindermusik lesson. The program is not only fun and useful in practical life.
I'm not those Kiasu parents who signed up classes w/o considering the child likes and dislikes. I'm not those parents who needs their children to be scholar, I just want my child to grow up in a happy environment where learning is nothing but FUN!!!

Camwhoring before the class start.
Sucking his fingers is so going to become his signature pose. Baby S is teething!!!!

Free play before the class start.

Singing while massaging baby. Baby S love these to bits. This morning when I did it with him, he cry for more when I stopped.

We dance around the class. Cailin is a very bubbly and patience instructor.

Teaching Baby S about perspective view.

Opps, not paying attention in class.

Playing with different musical instruments and stop upon instruction. Instructor mentioned that if we repetitively do this, baby can stop at their own. This will help them understand that they have control over their body, hence they can control themselves better when throwing tantrum. Baby also learn rhythm.

Playing parachute.

Instructor Cailin mentioned that Baby S is really attentive in class, how can he not be when he is so in love with music. Baby S was the only baby in the class who wasnt fussy.
There was a lot more that we learn in the class!!! We decided to sign up the class when Baby S can sit by his own or when he turn 6 months old. Instructor Cailin also mentioned that the best time for baby to start the class is 6 months old and baby can learn much more than we imagine at a young age!!!! So mummy don't waste youur baby time away.