Get to know that Taime is having sales, so we headed East AGAIN!!! I actually wanted to go on Saturday but didnt as I did not know the address.
Bringing baby out is like going to war, there is just so much stuff to pack!!! We went to pick Mom and Sis up before heading down for the sales. Ubber BTH my Mom, everyday see Baby S still want to find excuse to carry him thru out the journey. My youngest sis was great, she help to push the pram around, wanted to help me carry my baby bag, carry Baby S and even want to coax him to sleep in the car. Compared to others 12 years old kids, I think she is much better well off. Although we often nag at her academic result but she still have her strength.
My Mom couldn't make up her mind and keep asking me for suggestion. I told her, "if you think its necessary JUST BUY and that end her pestering. We spend $150 getting for the below baby stuff.
-Bumbo seat
-Fan (My sis insisted on red, her crappy logic was because we need to love Singapore >.<"')
-Pillow and Bolster
-Alphabet mat
-Teether (1 for Rieann, 1 for Sheldon)
-Romper (For Timothy)

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