January 16, 2010

Antenatal Check Up - Week 36

Sheldon's Weight: 2.709Kgm
Mummy's Weight: 55.4 (Lost 1.2Kgm....>.<"')

Baby is gaining weight normally but don't ask why I lost weight despite having good appetite this week.

Sheldon is still partially engaged, Dr Wong advise that engaging early doesn't mean delivering early. Some baby only engage during labour.

My hands started getting numb a week ago and its pretty painful especially during the night time. Dr Wong explained that its due to water retention and it will get worse for the next few weeks. He share that another expecting mum actually drop a glass of water due to the numbness and warn me to be careful about holding fragile stuff.

I check with him do we need to draw up a birth plan, his answer was "lets keep things simple". I agree too, being a first time mum there is really so much we don't know, all we can do is to trust the professional we engaged. I'm quite confidence of Dr Wong professional ethnic though there is a fair share of black sheep in their line.

Dr Wong advise that if contraction persist for 2 hours and each contraction interval is 15mins, we will have to head down to TMC. Hubby ask Dr Wong how do differentiate contraction pain, Dr Wong replied "its mensus pain multiply by a million time". Hubby was pretty taken aback by the degree of pain.

No strep B test done today as our appointment time wasn't in time for the laboratory delivery hence the test was postpone next week.

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