This year I donated 10Kgm of kibbles to the shelter, nothing really much, just hope that the less fortunate doggies at the shelter have a better Christmas and the amount of kibbles Anderson consolidated able to last them for a while.
Hubby bought me SK-II whitening mask, this Mother to be really need a good whitening mask after all the sun tanning I got from the swim.
This year our best gift is from GOD. God bless us with Sheldon in our life. Although he is diagnosed with cleft lip and palate at 5th month detailed scan, we still Thank God for blessing us this child. HB believe that God bless us this child because we are capable to nurture and provide for him. God also bless us with supporting family and friends, with their encouragement, support and prayer we were able to ride thru the darkest moment of our life. God also guide us to a group of specialist equip with the latest medical technology and the only orthodontics who practise N.A.M in South East Asia.
Once again, Merry Christmas to ALL!!!! I like to wishes everyone a blessed year 2010.
My Christmas gift!!

Santa Boy wishes everyone Merry Christmas too. Something worth to learn from dogs, forgive quickly, alway be positive about things and life!!!

Your hb is so sweet - for the very practical SKII as well as the encouragement he gave.
And you both are very loving & strong, as a couple and I firmly believe, as parents :)
May you guys (including Buffy, Oreo and Boy) have a fantastic 2010 ahead!
Tks CL!!! U too, have a blessed 2010 year ahead!!!
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