December 19, 2009

Antenatal Check Up- WK 31 & 32

Sheldon's Weight: 1.7++Kgm @ WK31
Mummy's Weight: 52.2 Kgm (Failed weight test cos Dr Wong expect me to be at least 53Kgm)

Dr Wong commented that Sheldon is in perfect position. He show me where Sheldon's head, hand, leg and backside. This fellow has been using his backside to push his way ard. The other day I was telling him that now I know where is your butt, I will give you a smack if you dont obey what mummy tell you. Due to family has diabetes history, Dr Wong ask me to do a Glucose test.

Im suppose to fast from 12 midnight to 10am and drink a bottle of glucose thingy at 8am. But I overslept, only manage to drink the bottle at 9am so appt was postpone till 11am. Dr Wong drew my blood and ask me to return next week for check up again. He will be seeing me every fornightly.

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