Feb 2006 - March 2006
A very chubby me!!! I weigh abt 45kgm

April 2006 - July 2006 (Sorry I cant seem to find any May 06 pic)
Even more chubby!!!

Aug 2006 - Oct 2006
August 2006 I was the fattest!!! I weigh 48kgm

Nov 2006- Jan 2007
During this time, I started taking over a project. The amt of stress and OT I worked make me shed some weight. During Jan 2007 I weigh only 42Kgm. This period was the most drastic drop of weight.

Feb 2007 - April 2007
When project was at the peak, I weigh 40Kgm.

Not long after CNY 2007, I fell very ill due to all the hecti work. I was put on STEROID. I was so sick that no antibiotics could cure my sickness that the GP have to put me on STEROID. I wasnt already a very strong person since young. This illness and intake of steroid weaken me further. Every single time I fall sick, I fall VERY sick and GP have no choice but to prescribe steroid.
Slowly I lost weight till today 38Kgm and blood pressure at only 110/70. In order not to trigger my sinus and cause major sickness Im put on daily steroid spray. I was addicted to the steroid spray once I stop using it I fall terribly sick.
Due to consideration of pregnancy, I stop steriod. I change to visit a chinese sensei for treatment. Today I wean off from steroid. I doesnt fall sick w/o using it but Im still very weak. I do not have enough blood pressure and often feel like fainting. Anyone ard me who fell ill, I'll be second to fall sick. My virus is so strong that it can spread till the whole office.
Did I improve? Yes at least I wean off steroid. Chinese sensei say I have a hard and long battle ahead. Either I stick to steroid for the rest of my life and I chose to build my immune by fighting the virus by my own antibodies. Hence it explain my health situation now.
My Superior aint very happy abt my MC I have taken. But Im sorry, I rather today I do not have any pay increment, no bonus and leave a bad impression to you. I also do not wish to further tarnish my health further. Today if I die, the company is only going to give a condolence flower stand and re-employ another person. At least when I work, I give my full support to the company and that the best I can do.
This is me in 2005 and the present me. I no longer able to wear any of my past clothing. I use to be able to wear S-M. Now I can only wear XS. Small is too big for me!!!

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