The super busy street of 九份山城. I have seen many many dog's owner bringing their dog into this busy shopping area. I even see a very very big GR walking beside the owner. U dont see anyone giving any disgusting look to the owner and the dog. This is something that will nvr happen in SG. Taiwan's pple are much friendly and able to accept pets in their society unlike SG. The pet's owner are also very responsible, although I can see a lot doggies ard but there aint any pee pee and poo poo problem. Haiz when can I bring my doggies out for shopping in SG???

Famous Fish/Meat Ball

HB bought a few personal engraved chinese stamp.

The shop owner personally engrave our names on it.

We headed to 花莲 by train.

We conquer so much in 九份. Muahaha

Waiting for train.

By the way, we seen youngster selling 便当 at train station. I guess their ard 13-16 years old. They will go ard calling 便当! 便当! when train arrive. You will nvr see SG youngster so hardworking.
Train is here!!! By the way if u can spot a little boy in cap, tt the boy going ard selling 便当. Very hardworking!!!

Whose sunglasses is that??

Scenery while I took on the train. Its a 3 hour journey!!!

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